Problem s SSL certifikat

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  • #34582


    Dobry den,

    prosim muzete mi poradit jak resit ten nasleduijci problem s SSL.

    ja mam koupenou domain: a mam chybu nize kdyz chci otevrit pres FF


    Ptal jsem jsem na svuj host a rikali

    [12:00, 1/24/2018] Pipni: Certifikat neni soucasti freehostingu
    [12:00, 1/24/2018] Pipni: Nepouzivejte https

    a ptal jsem jak deaktivovat ten https , pak mi odpovidali toto

    [12:00, 1/24/2018] Pipni: Mate to nekde v te vasi web aplikaci

    Ja jsem se podival na databazi a na htaccess a tam nikde nemam aktivovani https a ani pres administratorou stranku.

    Podival jsem se jestli moje stranku ma certifikat

    a tam se pise

    None of the common names in the certificate match the name that was entered ( You may receive an error when accessing this site in a web browser. Learn more about name mismatch errors.

    jake moznosti muzu resit ten problem, je to neprijemni kdyz zakaznik nemuze oetvrit stranku zvlast kdyz most nevi o co jde.

    Dekuji za jakoukoliv radu..




    Nakonec to byl asi nějaký problém s hostingem, protože koukám, že už vše funguje? Pokud hosting v rámci free verze nepodporuje HTTPS certifikát, tak je třeba používat verzi webu s HTTP nebo si navýšit hostingový tarif? Jak se to nakonec podařilo vyřešit?



    Dobry den, nakonec ano resilo to (nevim jestli je to pres ten hosting),ale musel jsem vycistit databaz podle nize dokumentaci

    issue: have some http in db.
    > clean up db first, to have less data to check:
    DELETE FROM post WHERE status = ‘trash’
    DELETE FROM post WHERE post_type = ‘revision’

    (now, delete from postmeta, where no post exists any more:)
    DELETE pm FROM postmeta pm LEFT JOIN posts wp ON wp.ID = pm.post_id WHERE wp.ID IS NULL

    now, backup the database. (much smaller now).

    now, check manually the table ‘options’
    – see if ‘old’, unused themes have data (start with theme_ …)
    > delete these rows

    > export the table options
    now, search-replace in the text: http://domain with https://domain

    > delete table ‘options’ in database
    > create the table again, by using the sql-text.

    >> should be fine, but .. setting maybe, have to repeat.

    > theme > personalize>
    – set menu
    – set slider images (! images have to be set again, that time: with https://path-to-image)

    check in Chrome/Chromium again
    > green lock? in FF? .. ok.

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